Super Responsive Minesweeper

In my efforts to write more short demos, I set out to build a browser version Minesweeper that could scale to any size. I went with SVG for the main board, and a small bit of responsive HTML for the controls. The result should be a game of Minesweeper that looks nice and full resolution at any screen size.

Check it out on Mozilla Demos and enoy:

Update 2013.09.14

I'm super proud to say that I've improved this app a bit and gotten it onto the Firefox Marketplace. That's now the best way to check out this app, and you can get it here.

I did this kind of just to test out the waters in the Firefox Marketplace and see how that whole process worked. It was actually very pleasant, so you can expect me both to continue to support Super Responsive Minesweeper and to keep posting my work on the Firefox Marketplace.

Maybe if I have a bit more time I'll try this out on the Google Play Store at some point too...